Whether you own or rent your home in California or Arizona, you probably noticed that part of your policy talks about liability insurance. While it is obvious why you need to insure the value of your home and possessions, it seems less obvious why you would need to have liability insurance for your own home.
What is liability insurance?
If something that you do or fail to do causes physical injury or property damage to someone else, you may be liable for paying for damages. It doesn’t matter whether you intended to cause them harm.
Under civil tort law, the victim only has to prove that you failed to meet some duty of care. For instance, you need to keep your walk cleared so that people can safely walk past and so delivery workers can access your mailbox. Without liability insurance, any injuries caused by your negligence might have to come straight from you. Most people would have a hard time paying for a hospital stay out of pocket.
What does liability insurance cover?
When you get your policy at Giles & Iten Insurance in Surprise, AZ, you will see that it is a contract. You pay a certain amount for your insurance premium in return for a specific level of protection. There will be a top amount of coverage, and your policy will cover everything from medical bills to property repairs to attorney fees.
If you live in Arizona or California, the last thing you need is a surprise bill. There is no way to predict when an accident might happen. If you want to make sure you have enough liability protection, or if you have any other questions about insurance, please feel free to contact Giles & Iten Insurance in Surprise, AZ to see how we can help.